3 Levels for your Money Drawer Work Station

Working with money is pretty unavoidable in most job opportunities. This Vocation Station will help your students practice skills associated with handling a money drawer. Our money vocation station focuses on sorting bills and coins in a drawer, counting money from a drawer, rolling coins & wrapping bills, and totaling a drawer at the end […]

7 Activity Ideas for Your Vocation Stations

Ideas for vocation training life skills classroom

Not all job training can happen on the job. Many of the students we work with do best when we provide them with repeated opportunities to practice new job skills. We like to set up Vocation Stations around the classroom to help students develop skills that can be used at different job sites. Activities at […]

Marquee Signs & Letter Boards

Letter boards and marquee signs are everywhere and lots of fun to use! They also provide a fun way to develop job skills and expand literacy for our students in the special education setting. Though it goes without saying, actual practice with changing out marquee signage can be limited. The easy solution is to create […]

Filing System

Learning to file documents may feel a little outdated, given the role of technology in our lives. But let me assure you, filing has not gone the way of the Dodo. In my house, we follow a filing system to file away bills, important documents related to insurance or medical expenses, and projects the kids […]