Get Your Materials! – Teaching Independence

Classroom Materials

There are so many ways to teach independence to your students in your self-contained classroom. Transitioning within the classroom is usually one of the first things we work on with our students. Teaching your students to transition within the classroom can be partnered with teaching them to gather materials as they transition to the next […]

Cell Phone Tech Station

I’ll tell you what I’ve heard – technology is pretty popular these days. Having some solid tech education for our students in a self-contained classroom just might be time well spent. Technology can be a fun way to teach life skills embedded with high interest for many of our students. Here are some of our […]

Kitchen Appliances and Number Identification

Kitchen-Appliance-featured image

Teaching Number Matching and Identification using Kitchen Appliances Preparing meals for yourself is the ultimate sign of adulthood. Even if it’s just a grilled cheese and a can of tomato soup, safely using the microwave, stovetop, and oven can mean the difference between independence and perpetual reliance on a caregiver. If you can’t make a […]

Cell Phone

teaching phone numbers

Teach your students to dial important phone numbers on a cell phone. Skip the velcro! Still using a number strip with velco pieces to teach your students an important phone number? Time to update your practices! Help your student learn to dial important phone numbers by practicing on a real cell phone or a mock cell […]

Making Purchases with a Money Book


The Money Book was developed as a way for our students to independently pay for things at the store. Some of our students were not ready to manage their money when making purchases on their own. We developed and taught them to use a tool to do it without needing an adult to support them. […]

Life Skills

How do you select Life Skills for your students?  Whatever your method for determining appropriate Life Skills to teach your students, the most important thing is that you actually have a method. We caution teachers against selecting skills at random. Be sure to use a curriculum or assessment that has a researched-based sequence of skills.  […]